Author: Carlos Calderon

Health & Care

Why Do Cat’s Sleep So Much- Important Reasons.

A cat can become a loving pet for your entire family that is known to offer you a lot of enjoyment and excitement when you spend time with this feline friend.

But you should also take care of the cat which is very important for their health and well being. You might find that your pet is spending a lot of time sleeping and you want to find out why do cats sleep so much. This is an important question that you might ask yourself because you will find the cat sleeping in crazy and cute positions all through the day.

The most important reason is that the cat prefers to get enough rest as it is in the genes of these pets to sleep for about 15 to 20 hours a day.

A cat is known to spend the majority of their time sleeping all through the day since they are natural predators who spend time catching a nap while eating most of the time.

Moreover, sleeping is beneficial for their health and their sleep patterns are different from the other pets. After completing the required amount of sleep, cats are known to enjoy a healthy life while they stay alert all through the day for catching their prey. Additionally, the cat sleeps all through the day as it is their favorite pastime and they can sleep immediately after playing for a long period of time. Moreover, as the cat grows older, it becomes easier for them to fall into a longer and deeper sleep. Whether it is day or night, the cat can sleep anytime for adjusting to their sleep schedule without getting disturbed by the surrounding distractions. Getting into a deep sleep or opting for a nap will be determined by the overall health and well being of the cat.

You should care about the cat all day long by providing it with healthy food and ample rest all through the day.


Apartment Living: Pets Fit Everything

Having a pet in our home improves the quality of life: they love being with us and we love their company. APARTMENT LIVING is a challenge for those who wish to have a pet and maintain the harmony of the home at the same time. An apartment has a reduced space, so if you want to have a pet you have to think about it first.

Below are the PETS that best suit an apartment.


Cats are the PETS that best adapt to the place where they live and always manage to be happy there. These amazing animals are clean, independent, and don’t need to go outside to walk.

Small breed dogs

APARTMENT LIVING should not be an obstacle to having a dog in your home. The solution is to choose small breeds of dogs, which have a quiet character with low energy levels and do not demand much exercise.

Here are some examples of small breed dogs: Bichon Frise, Pomeranian, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Pug, Shih Tzu, Maltese, Pekingese, among others.


The fish adapt perfectly to the APARTMENT LIVING. These PETS only need a fish tank that adapts to them according to their size. The water in the fish tank must be sweet. Remember that the fish tank requires a filter, cleaning, and maintenance. Fish feed on a very specific food, which you get in pet shops.


If you like exotic PETS you must have a hamster. They only need a cage, sawdust, and a wheel to exercise and discharge energy. Keep in mind that you will have to clean their cage very often, as hamsters often generate unpleasant aromas.


As you can see, APARTMENT LIVING is compatible with the presence of PETS in your home. Remember to think carefully about the pet you are going to choose and then enjoy its company.

Cat Food

In-depth Knowledge About Car Breed

Once you’ve decided to have a cat in your family, whether it be for exhibition, breeding, or just as a pet, be aware of the many breeds and traits of each one. There are many considerations when choosing a breed of cats, and not all of them concern how your new friend will look.

If you want to display your cat, you need to research the fairs that certain breeds accept and the breed’s popularity. You may also want to consider the building aspect. The cost of some species can be much higher than that of some of the more common ones, and this should be taken into account when purchasing your breeding animals and adding to the financial benefits of selling the puppies. When it comes to breeding as a business, choosing a Cat breed is very important.

Cats are generally excellent family pets, but some breeds are characteristically better suited than others. Some hybrids are more robust and less prone to infection and disease, and many combinations have more relaxed temperaments. However, this is not always the case, and every cat, regardless of breed, will find its way. It is not possible to generalize too much.

Cats usually have fine fur. Some people will find that they cannot tolerate cat fur to some extent. If it’s just a minor intolerance, you can still have a cat as a pet. You can research and find out which cats have short coats and which ones would make your intolerance to long and fluffy coats worse the most. Also, a long-haired cat needs a lot more attention as it requires regular grooming. Also, keep in mind that our cat friends are also available in different sizes.

You will find that some cats need a little more attention than others. The Bengal cat, for example, is very energetic and demanding. They are very affectionate, but they like to be the center of attention and are great for lifting curtains and picking ornaments off shelves. They may not be the best pet for an older person with limited space and many sentimental trinkets. therefore you will require Cat supplies that will help you to maintain your cat

Health & Care

Dental Problems Cats Encounter Across

You might take care of your pets such as cats very lovingly. The love for your cats is admirable but the diseases of cats might make you feel very disappointed. It is unfortunate for animals not to be able to express themselves when they have some health issues. Only the symptoms give us the clue of diseases in our cats and other pets. Observing the symptoms especially dental problems of the cat is inevitable. What are the major dental problems a cat encounters? bad breath, gingivostomatitis, Periodontal issues Tooth Resorption, tooth fractures are some of the diseases that occur among cats. These dental diseases are common among cats which are observed by the pet in charge based on the symptoms.

Some of the major symptoms seen among cats that have dental issues are:


Nasal Flow Continuously

Saliva Drooping

Inflammation Of gums Sometimes Red In Color

Chewing Discomfort

Loss Of Appetite

The above symptoms are common among cats that have dental problems. The symptoms might change from a cat to another depending upon the diseases’ intensity. You need to observe the cats every time it has difficulty. Treating by yourself would not yield results in case the disease internist is high. Hence, you have to consult a veterinarian for the issues so that it can remain healthy. If left untreated by you, the pets might feel very dull and discomfort. Hence, the dental diseases of cats have to be taken care of seriously by you at the beginning stage itself. Eating by the cats becomes normal only if have no dental issues. As long as the dental problem exists, the cats do not lead a happy life and their health gets deteriorated slowly. Only the pet owner can make his cat comfortable and active by attending to the dental problems at the earliest.


Let The Cat Sleep In The Bed: Creating A Strong Bond

PET improves our quality of life and everything we do to improve the bond between our beloved animal and we will always be for the better. Those who have a cat as a PET question whether they should allow the cat to sleep in the bed.

The reality is that the fact that this adorable PET sleeps in the bed is very positive. The close contact with our cat has therapeutic and relaxing effects on our mental health. Keeping a good relationship with our cat will make him more obedient. We can educate our cat to behave well through simple TRAINING that he can fulfill.

As the cat grows we must impose rules of behavior on him that he can understand and apply every day. This procedure must be friendly so that the cat perceives the love we feel for him. This training must be constant since our pet must acquire positive habits so that they are part of his behavior. Letting the cat sleep in the bed is a good strategy to have a strong bond with him. Our PET must understand that there are things he can do and things he can’t do. It is up to us to regulate his behavior so that he behaves well at home.

Good TRAINING starts from the moment the cat arrives at our house. He must understand that he can play and have fun but he cannot mistreat objects in the house. We must impose limits on our cat since he cannot do it by himself. If he misbehaves we can raise our voice and look them straight in the eye and tell him not to do that again. He will pick up on our anger and not do it again. As time passes our PET will acquire positive habits, achieving a beautiful home harmony.


Protect Your Dog Against Ticks And Fleas Naturally-Without Side Effect

Owning a pet is a matter of a lot of responsibilities as you will have to look after the overall well being of your pet which includes taking your dog for a walk outdoors.

When the dog walks outdoors in the wood, the exposure to ticks and fleas increases significantly this causes a lot of inconvenience for the dog and their owners. This is a serious issue that you will need to pay attention to because the majority of the dogs have severe flea allergies.

Therefore, you should make sure that you look for ways of protecting your dog from this situation.

When you want to protect your dog from ticks and fleas, you should not make use of the conventional products that are mostly chemical pesticides.

But you should look for ways to protect your dog against ticks and fleas naturally so that you will not have to worry about the side effects of these products. The natural method is the best defense that you need to take against the fleas and ticks so that you will get complete peace of mind. Additionally, you should also ask for advice from the veterinary that will help you in selecting the best product for your pet. This is very important for keeping your pet healthy while offering the extra protection that is needed for getting rid of fleas and ticks. Additionally, there are some natural methods of prevention which include the use of Rose Geranium oil that will prevent the dog from getting the allergies. Coconut oil is also a safe and natural solution for dealing with this problem because it works as an excellent flea and tick repellent that is far more effective than the harmful chemical products.

You can eliminate the side effects of the chemical products with the use of therapeutic coconut oil so that you will get the desired results.


How to Help a Scared Dog?

It is very common for a pet owner to see his dog getting scared at times. First, you need to identify the basic symptoms seen in your dog due to scaring issues. The very basic symptoms of scared dogs are shaking and panting.

Sometimes, pacing is also another symptom seen in the dogs that is scared. Many pet trainers have stated that the dogs’ owner’s behavior is very important for the dog’s growth. Yes, the pets reflect his owner’s mentality exactly and if its owner seems troubled then the dog looks scared. So it starts with the person in charge of the pet. Understanding the dogs’ born nature, the pet owner has to make his pet comfortable and relaxed even he is not fine with his life.

Your dog might get scared due to thunderstorm, or stage people it sees inside or outside the house. Even your pet might get disturbed due to loud noise in your location or at the house. Hence, first, understand the reason and then streamlining the issues so that your dog returns to the normal state.

The pet training techniques also based on the strategy of understanding and treat the dogs. You should not encourage the fear of your dog at any cost. Instead, you need to be patient and watch it, and also punishing the dog is not at all good behavior.

You can try swaddling the pet to make it very comfortable and mind relaxing for some time. This would enhance its courage further and it can make your pet come out of the fear soon. You can also contact a pet trainer to overcome the dog’s fear. The trainer can make things suitable for you by making your pet so good due to his treatment in a controlled setting. You can try these things on your pets to recover soon.


DOG’S DRY SKIN-Know The Importance Of Pet Grooming.

Dogs are the most wonderful and entertaining pet to have around in your home that needs your constant love and attention. But while you own a dog, you are also responsible for pet grooming so that you can rest assured that your dog will in good health.

There are many kinds of health problems that affect your dog but the most common problem is the Dog’s dry skin. Therefore, you need to know the way in which you should take care of their dry skin so that they will not suffer from this frustrating and annoying situation.

Additionally, you should also visit the vet for diagnosing the skin conditions affecting the dog so that it does not face issues like dry, flaky, or itchy skin.

When you are opting for a pet grooming session, you should pay special attention to the skin of your dog because it tends to become dry over a period of time. While causing a lot of discomfort to the dog, dry skin can also cause serious dangers to the pet’s life. You should opt for home remedies so that you will get effective treatment for your pet so that it will get rid of the problem of dry skin.

You will also need to look for symptoms of dry skin so that you will understand the best way of dealing with this problem.

Making dietary changes is also a very important and effective way of dealing with problems of dry skin so that it will be eliminated at the earliest. High quality and balanced diet for your dog is also an excellent way of dealing with your dog’s dry skin problems in an effective manner.

You can also take the help of medicated shampoo that has been specially designed for helping your dog to get rid of the skin problem.

Dog FoodFood

What To Know About Food For Puppies

Puppies are very active and therefore require more calories, protein, and fat to meet the high demands of their rapidly growing body. Special requirements require specific food; .It is best to use specially prepared food for puppies as it is specially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of the puppy. However, if you want to use adult dog food for your dog, check the ingredient label to make sure it is suitable for dogs as well.

Always choose quality food for the puppy. Although it will be a bit expensive, it will help your puppy to grow healthy and rarely. Puppy food has many options, such as dry food, canned food, and dry food. Whatever you choose, it is up to you. Just keep in mind that he has to be healthy. Puppy food that includes human-grade food products is good for your puppy. Organic puppy food is another good and healthy option.

Always make sure that your puppy’s food is high in meat and low in grains. Avoid any food that contains meat by-products. Also, if the fat content contains, check their source; If it contains beef fat or chicken fat, good for your puppy. If no source is mentioned, avoid it; Because it is usually low-quality fat that your puppy will find difficult to digest.

Your puppy’s food should contain natural preservatives instead of chemicals. Chemical preservatives are harmful to puppies and cause cancer and kidney problems.

Just remember to give your puppy a balanced and varied diet. If you do not keep a wide variety of foods, your puppy will get bored. It is best to choose 3-4 small dog foods with different ingredients.

When choosing dog food for your puppy, remember these three points:

1 – That food is intended for puppies.

2 – It contains high-quality ingredients.

3 – It contains natural preservatives.

Pet Insurance

Pet Insurance: The Protection Your Cat Deserves

Pets are part of our family and deserve the best care for their health and physical integrity. Nowadays there is a PET INSURANCE which takes care of giving a good quality of life to our animals. In the particular case of cats, there is insurance specifically designed for them.

Below, everything that should be covered by insurance for KITTENS TO SENIOR CATS.

-Veterinary consultation.

-Vaccination at all stages of life, from birth to adulthood.

  • Female cats: expenses for pregnancy and birth of kittens

-Castration from the indicated age. Females are spayed starting at 6 months of age, while male cats can be neutered starting at 8 months of age.

-Emergency veterinary assistance.

-Dental assistance.

-Annual deworming.

-Veterinary transport.

-Discounts at veterinary pharmacies.

-Daycare service for your cats, at any age. This service is very useful if you have to leave your home for several days, for different reasons.

-Veterinary expenses due to your cat’s accident.

-Expenses due to loss of your cat.

-Compensation in case of theft of your cat.

-Civil liability in case of lawsuits against your cat.

-Euthanasia expenses due to incurable disease.

-Expenses for death.

Reasons to take out pet insurance

Cats are extremely smart animals, but they are also incredibly mischievous and playful. You can love, protect and take care of your cat, but suddenly they run away for a little while and anything can happen. They have an independent character and it is impossible to control them all day long.

Besides, they play with other cats and could catch any disease. As cats are naughty, they could break objects that belong to other people and the responsibility would be yours. Cat insurance takes care of your pet and keeps the peace in your home.

You will feel at ease knowing that your cat is protected in every way.

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